Victory Garden

Since 2008, Lowry Elementary students have been involved in growing their own food in the school’s 1000 square foot Victory Garden. The Victory Garden provides a great opportunity for Lowry students to experience farm to table eating firsthand and to learn where their food comes from. Every student participates in the garden in some way and is able to enjoy the tasty fruits (vegetables) of their efforts. Each winter, students start seeds inside under grow lights and classrooms take turns watering and caring for the seedlings. These plants are then transplanted outside in May where families volunteer to take care of them throughout the summer months. In late summer, students return and eagerly begin harvesting the produce. In 2021, over 450 pounds of vegetables were harvested. Food from the garden is sold at the student-run Farmers Market each fall, operated by Fourth and Fifth grade students; utilized in the School Cafeteria; and donated to Lowry families who lack access to fresh food. In order to fund the garden efforts, students also grow plants for sale to the community as part of their annual Plant Sale. In addition to Victory Garden, two Outdoor Classrooms offer opportunities to take learning outside.